Wow, did we just run through four weeks like dat! Life, as it speeds up, we need to find ways to slow it back down and Onyx Yayas has given you four processes to do just that. Refresh; Revive; Rejuvenate; Restore and now we present to you step 5. Renew. When you think about a renewal what comes to mind, the need to extend something, getting back to something after a break, a do over or validation? Well, all of these are true, but what you apply these types of renewal too, will determine the enormity of the benefit the end product, will bring you. So, start applying renewal to areas of your life today, validating yourself is a necessity. You can begin your renewal by extending the time you spend in a task, hobby or routine. Yeah, it can be that simple, look at what you're already doing to validate yourself daily and start to increase the time you spend doing it, this will increase the benefits and, optimise your feel-good factor.

Book some time with self:
As we said finding ways to renew is easy but finding the time to do more, give more and be more can be a challenge. How about you renew in phases so not to apply too much pressure or reduce the likelihood of you achieving your task. Say for instance, if you're like me and you have some great books lined up on your shelf that you have been meaning to read, just grab one and open it. Instead of looking at the book as a whole and believing you do not have the time to read it, look at the number of pages to be read, and divide that number by 7 or 30 or however many days you wish to complete it in. Reflect on your daily routine and decipher where you will make the time to complete your predetermined number of pages and get to reading! On completion of the book, you will feel validated, a renewal of mind, or maybe a renewal of your imagination. Mission accomplished, goal achieved, you can now move on to the next one. Maybe address that online course you started and need to finish, as the certificate is missing from your CV. You may need to start over as previous information has been lost, or pick up where you left off, either way identifying any barriers to its completion will help you to renew your mindset, application and commitment to the course. Why don’t you use your renewal time to increase the length or depth of your prayer life, it's not that you're not doing it now, but if you're not getting what you use to from the process, stepping up the pace and commitment will help you to refocus and engage, so you can gain a deeper understanding and begin retaining what you have learnt. The Renew process is also an opportunity to add to your goal setting. By reviewing what your current status is, you will be able to identify any changes or removal of short/long-term goals, so they meet your renewed mindset, ideas, and dreams.
Wow, we are renewing ourselves or a part of our lives we have a great opportunity to empower others. It's much easier to strengthen and uplift others when we are in a good place so let's share the positivity with others through a cleanse. This type of cleanse reaps the rewards of removing negativity, so why don’t you start a challenge! It could be a smile challenge, where you smile at a predetermined number of strangers a day, making you feel good and hopefully doing the same for them. You could start a TikTok challenge and encourage your friends and family to take part. You could start a fasting challenge (DISCLAIMER: take responsibility for your personal health and well-being seeking medical advice before/during/after a fast as required). to open yourself up to a heightened awareness or enlightenment you have never encountered before. Another way to cleanse within the renewal process is to contact someone you value and tell them how important they are to you and why. Some relationships become stagnated because no one is lifting them over that weakened place to be on the other side. In your strength and power, you can be that bridge. Within that bridging there could be a need for forgiveness, it’s time to let old things go, do it and complete your personal renewing.
I like to think that the move in the Renew process has been achieved if you were able to utilise any of the above. I also recognise that we all learn, grow and explore in different ways and so something being physically renewed maybe the preferred option for many of you. That said, why don’t you renew your landscape (garden, view through a window or pictures/posters on the walls), this can be done in or out the home and can also be reasonably cheap if you're quite a thrifty person who can renew an old item and make it new. One of my favourite ways to renew is to renew the space around me. For this you can grab a few basics and take a long drive to sit or walk in the countryside or along a beach front. This can also be achieved by taking a form or several types of transport to somewhere new where your mind can experience the renewal, such as the beach, a museum a bookstore or an experience like wall climbing, axe throwing or milking the cows on a farm.

CHECK YOURSELF: self-care is not a reaction but rather an action, taken regularly to promote your well being and maintain your inner equilibrium! Ladies you are now all tuned into the R's! Keep returning to grab yourself a quick boost of ideas and a reminder that self-care is necessary!